
Philippe Patay

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Philippe Patay Pétursson, “Filippus”, 72, arrived in Iceland at the age of 20. He and Sigriður have three children. They are the founders of Fjallabak. A keen walker, photographer, observer of nature and birds in particular, he has travelled and guided far from home, in the Sahara, Greenland, Scotland, the Faroe Islands, East Africa, Nepal… A few years ago, he discovered a natural penchant for Patagonia and Aubrac. A member of the Icelandic Guides Association for 45 years, he is also an enlightened amateur ornithologist and is an Icelandic encyclopedia in his own right. He was the first in the early 70s to offer the first trekking and ski raids in his adopted country. This outstanding storyteller also has a reasonable penchant for philosophical discussions and absurd puns. Today he is more or less retired and has passed the torch to Matta, his eldest daughter. Which does not prevent him from continuing to guide special groups. For any special request that would have to do with birds for example, a report, a Robinson retreat, contact him directly: Instagram: philippepatay


Matthildur Filippusdóttir Patay

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Matta, your first contact at Fjallabak <>

Matthildur Filippusdóttir Patay, “Matta”, 40 years old, is the eldest daughter of Sigriður and Philippe Patay. She and her partner Andrés Úlfur are the parents of two boys. She takes care of  the financial and administrative side. She makes quotes for individual travelers (self-drive tours) or for private groups. She manages reservations for accommodation, vehicles, takes care of welcoming travelers and resolves many small problems during the season. She knows how to put a smile and a good mood back on tired drivers and guides and serves as our dictionary in at least five languages, including that of the elves. Matta is now in charge of our agency, of which she is the managing partner.

Instagram: fjallabak_trekking

Andrés Úlfur Helguson

Andrés Úlfur

Andrés Úlfur Helguson (50), glacier guide and big 4×4 fan. He is the one who knows how to do everything. His large size, his even mood, his calm and his disarming smile make him an essential element when the season overflows a little. An anthropologist by training and youth educator. He has been sent on distant missions as far as Ethiopia. Andrés is Matthildur’s partner and the father of their two boys Grímúlfur, (Masked Wolf), and Filippus Flóki, who will, who knows, make very good guides in ten years. In parallel with Fjallabak, Andrés has his own agency Iceland Untouched and works mainly to organize high-end private tours all year round

Instagram: icelanduntouched

Sigridur Lovisa Arnarsdottir

Sigridur Lovisa

Sigridur Lovisa Arnarsdottir,“Sigga Lolla”, (age: restrictive access) was born and raised in the village of Siglufjöður, north Iceland, a small, isolated herring port at the top of the world. However, she now loves Paris almost as much. She has been leaving in the mountains of Provence, where her fist child is born. She has been traveling to Africa, Scotland and South America. As the office administrator and wife of Philippe, she would agree that she probably has the hardest work in the organization. Her dreams alternate between Nepal or Patagonia…