Ævintýri um óþekkt svæði með faglegum leiðsögumönnum sem sýna ykkur leynda staði Íslands
Fjallabak er fullgild leyfisskyld ferðaskrifstofa og meðlimur í SAF, Samtökum ferðaþjónustunnar.
Matthildur Filippusdóttir Patay er framkvæmdastjóri Fjallabaks. Hún hefur tekið við fjölskyldufyrirtækinu sem hún hefur mikla ástríðu fyrir. Fjallabak er öflugt fjölskyldufyrirtæki sem hefur skipulagt gönguferðir og skíðaleiðangra á Íslandi síðan snemma á áttunda áratugnum.
Nafn fyrirtækisins kemur til vegna þess að við höfum skipulagt flestar okkar ferðir á Fjallabaki og á svæðunum í kringum Heklu.
Friðland Fjallabaks er mikið og ótrúlegt landsvæði sem er að mestu leyti „órannsakað“. Aðgengið er ekki mjög auðvelt því náttúran þar ræður ríkjum.
Fjallabak sérhæfir sig í hágæða gönguferðum, bakpokaferðum fyrir litla hópa, fjölskyldur og vini og við getum sérsnítt ferðina ykkar að ykkar óskum og þörfum, allt frá dagsferðum uppí margra daga ferðir. Hvort sem þið viljið ferðast ein og fá trússþjónustu eða ef þið viljið leiðsögumann þá getum við séð um það allt saman fyrir ykkur.
Þar sem við höfum unnið við þetta í næstum 30 ár, vitum við hvað útivera og gönguferðir um fjöll og firði Íslands þýðir. Við höfum öryggi þitt og ánægju í fyrirrúmi.
Okkar litla fjölskyldufyrirtæki passar að fara með ykkur þar sem er ekki fjöldaferðamennska og við förum því á lítt þekkta staði sem við höfum svolítið út af fyrir okkur.
Við leggjum mikla áherslu á að hafa gæðamat í ferðunum okkar og pössum einstaklega vel uppá náttúruna allt í kringum okkur.
Við hlökkum til að sjá ykkur á Fjallabaki í sumar!
Matthildur Filippusdóttir Patay (Matta)
Endilega sendið okkur fyrirspurn og við svörum innan skamms
Til þess að bóka ferð, ýtið á Book takkann á ferðinni
Hópurinn okkar
The Fjallabak Trekking company is a small family operated business that caters to travelers trying to get off the beaten path. We spent 6 days trekking in the Fjallabak... read more nature preserve with a small group of nine. Traveling just one week into the fall "shoulder...More
11 september 2019 -
For those looking to avoid the crowds and get off the beaten path, this is a great trip. This is a local Icelandic company, and they are quite knowledgeable.... read more Our guide Laurent was excellent. But a couple of notes of caution - the hiking is not always easy, and a couple f the days are longish - 22 kilometers. Also when we went, the wind was quite severe. I would probably not recommend for kids under 14 or 15.
22 ágúst 2018Our trek in the Elves Mountains August 2020: - Well planned itinerary with solid walks every day in fantastic landscape - Just as we like it - not many other... read more travellers around (mainly sheep) - Basic and well organized huts - Good cooking that included local produces - Professional guide, but not one for many rests, so good we were fit! - Always a good plan B up the sleeve for varioius weather conditions Definitely not our last trek on Iceland, we are now totally inspired for new outdoor adventures on this fascinating island.
1 ágúst 2020 -
Our four-day trek with Fjallabak Trekking was wonderful along many dimensions. It will long remain a highlight of our family lore. It was amazing to be essentially alone... read more with the sheep in the vast, exquisite landscape. Each day brought a change in the geography and the micro-climate, and each was surprising and beautiful. Our guide was wonderful; he was a friendly, quiet presence who quickly felt like one of the family. We learned geology, history and anthropology from him. I can't think of a better way to experience this amazing island.
20 ágúst 2018Très bon parcours photo en Islande avec une équipe compétente et sympathique autour des refuges de Dalakofi et de Strutur. Philippe Pathé et son équipe se sont dépensés sans... read more compter pour nous assurer un séjour agréable malgré des conditions parfois un peu difficiles (pannes diverse sur les 2 refuges et temps variable). Un grand bravo pour la cuisine ( nous nous sommes régalés) , pour la conduite et les explications sur la région.
Un seul regret : tout ce qu'il nous reste à voir en Islande!
19 september 2018 -
Perfect trip for some proper walking and being immersed in amazing landscapes. Fjallabak kept the promise of small group, well organised program, and curated itinerary away from the crowds. Huts... read more were comfortable, with well equipped kitchens allowing variety and high quality of food. Challenge mainly weather driven winds can be very strong making the walking tougher. Everything can be managed with the right gear. Laurent our guide was very experienced, competent, and great at managing the group, making the experience both interesting and fun.
26 nóvember 2018Nous avons fait huit jours de trek hors sentiers battus (et la plupart du temps hors sentiers) dans des contrées lunaires inouïes. Mais ce qui a fait la réussite de... read more cette semaine, c'est l'organisation impeccable de cette agence, leur connaissance du pays, le soin et l'attention qu'ils portent à leurs clients et à leur confort, ainsi que la qualité et la générosité des repas, même avec des restrictions alimentaires. Yoan, notre guide, a complété cette réussite par sa connaissance du terrain, son attention, sa gentillesse, sa bonne humeur permanente et ses qualités humaines.
Toute l'équipe de l'agence était à l'avenant, merci à tous.
A recommander sans aucune hésitation. Il feront à coup sûr de votre voyage en Islande des vacances inoubliables.
Catherine et Ron Plus
28 júlí 2019 -
This was our second trip with Fjallabak. In a very different part of Iceland, but with the same friendly, expert support and guiding. We did the guided "Birds and Fjords"... read more tour, a big circuit of the Westfjords with lots of stops for photos and birds. Excellent planning and selection of small and sometimes very remote guest houses. Would do it again in a minute. Also recommend Fjallabak for self drive planning. They know this country inside out
1 júní 2021Que dire des services de cette sympathique agence ? Tout simplement extra ! Sur la base de l'itinéraire que nous souhaitions effectuer, Matta nous a concocté une série d'hébergements (guest... read more house, B&B) accueillants et sympathiques.
Pour ce second séjour en Islande, nous avons découvert avec émerveillement les fjords de l'Ouest et du Nord-ouest...
Merci à Fjallabak de nous avoir conseillé de passer 2 nuits à Djupavik, au bout du monde !!
L'organisation était impeccable, et nous avons apprécié de pouvoir soumettre notre itinéraire, et qui ait trouvé une parfaite concrétisation grâce à Matta.
Merci pour tout ! AGENCE À RECOMMANDER.... même pour des trekkeuses en herbe ! Plus
14 september 2018 -
We were a small (private) group with big expectations and Fjallabak delivered, and then some ... the result exceeded our expectations. The organisation, the landscapes, the length of each... read more day's hike, the accommodation and the food were all excellent. And not forgetting Matta and our guide Stebbi - Matta for her patience in addressing our endless queries and changes in the months leading up to the trip, and Stebbi for being our slightly off-the-wall, bohemian guide who made each day an adventure. For our next visit to Iceland we wouldn't consider anybody else - Fjallabak is a family company and it shows in their personal touch and the small things ... like Matta going out of her way to fulfil our request for restocking our drinks supplies at the mid-point 🙂
1 ágúst 2021Fabulous, walking a mountain trail in a small group with an excellent and humorous guide, talking English and French simultaneously. Emma really took care, from French-style cooking to correctly applying... read more a plaster. Fresh fish, spicy lamb, spaghetti to get your calories … needed with almost 20 km walking per day, mostly off the beaten tracks in a terrific landscape. We had eight days of sunshine, of course that was not guaranteed. Thanks to Philippe for the great and versatile organisation. Strongly recommended!
16 ágúst 2019 -
Haven't regret the decision to join the trek with Fjallabak (trek at the doors of Hell South) for a single time. Everything was well organized, the guide and Philippe took... read more great care of the group. And the environment was just truly amazing.
1 júlí 2021Petite entreprise familiale franco islandaise, qui propose plusieurs trek réellement hors des sentiers battus. Nous étions un tout petit groupe et cela fonctionnait comme une famille, super ambiance et je... read more pense meilleurs repas de l'Islande. Côté trek, celui des portes de l'enfer est juste magique avec chaque jour un paysage différent, ahurissant, et un niveau de difficulté assez accessible pour tout le monde. Nous étions comme seuls au monde durant 4 jours, et avons retrouvé la civilisation à Landmannalaugar.
N'hésitez plus vous avez trouvé l'organisation qu'il vous faut !!
Merci à Fjallabak
26 júlí 2019 -
I can’t recommend this company highly enough. Really special people who go the extra mile and well beyond. By best advice is take their advice! It was their suggestion to... read more walk away from the popular routes, and they were so right. We visited Landmannalaugar (sp?) briefly. It is spectacular, but no more than other places we saw. And it was heaving, when we had hardly seen a soul. The other good suggestion was to walk up some hills rather than just go from hut to hut. They weren’t overly high but the views were amazing. We met a number of the staff, albeit some briefly, and they were all great.
1 ágúst 2021I did a short trek, the Trek at the Doors of Hell in late June with Fjallabak a family run business and it was amazing, we had the sensation of... read more being alone in the incredible nature that Iceland has to offer.
I am looking forward to visiting another region of Iceland with you next year.
Thank you!
18 júlí 2019 -
Le chemin des elfes: parcours avec paysages magnifiques, très riches et diversifiés, cela va des champs pleins de fleurs à la rocaille des sommets, à chaque fjord son paysage et... read more ses caractéristiques...j'ai apprécié aussi les accompagnateurs professionnels et agréables, respectant le rythme de chacun et ayant une très bonne connaissance de l'Islande. Sans parler des repas toujours bien préparés avec des petites attentions pour le groupe. C'est l'avantage d'un organisme à taille humaine que l'on ne peut que recommander pour de prochains séjours en famille, seul ou avec des amis..
21 júlí 2019Me and my in law family booked this very special trip to an area which is usually very secluded and not seen by too many tourists.
On our 5... read more day trek we hiked through the most incredible nature we could have ever imagine and we experienced even the outcome of the just recent glacier flood of the majestic Skaftá river.
Our guide Laurent, our driver Palli and our contact at Fjallabak were helpful and knowledgable from the first contact on and especially our trekking guide took good care of the group and knew literally a story of every stone we passed 🙂 . There were 7 of us and he took care that we were safe and sound all the time without loosing the "adventureous" touch 🙂
To sum it up: I can highly recommend going with Fjallabak, a small trekking company who organises its treks beside the beaten paths and treated us as a group of friends and not as some paying clients.
Me and my family miss Iceland already and we will definitely come back for the next trek 🙂 More
5 september 2018 -
9 jours de trekking dans les montagnes de Fjallabak à 3 familles avec ados. On a adoré les randonnées proposées (très diversifiées et représentatives de l'Islande), l'équipe très sympa, la... read more qualité des repas concoctés, l'authenticité des refuges, la déconnexion des réseaux et la sous-population touristique. Bravo à cette agence qui fait vraiment sortir les gens des sentiers battus et met beaucoup d'humain dans ses prestations !
16 ágúst 2018We had the pleasure of doing a 4 day guided 4 wheel drive and hiking trip with Fjallabak and Philippe, the founder of the company, as our guide. We loved... read more every minute of our trip, and we deeply appreciated Philippe's expertise and obvious love of...More
18 september 2019