Dulin / Bécasseau Variable © Philippe Patay

Birds of Northeast Iceland

Itinerant discovery, hiking and bird watching.

List of Icelandic birds

A unique 10-day trip guided by Philippe Patay, founder of Fjallabak and one of the best experts on Iceland and its birds.

There is only one place left!
Note that the 8 participants registered to date are French-speaking

SUMMER SOLSTICE The night has totally disappeared, the day is permanent. Twilight and dawn blend together all the pink, blue and coral of their collection. The green colors are still here and blend in the colors of the tundra and meadows where the young lambs tender the traveler, while the alarmed shorebirds are on the fence posts asking their chicks to stay put in the moss and to trust absolute mimicry ... The peek tourist season has not yet really begun and the circular road still breathes freedom.

Located at 66°North, on the edge of the Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean, halfway between Europe and America, at the crossroads of the great east-west and north-south migratory routes, Iceland is undoubtedly a paradise for winged fauna. Species from both continents as well as Arctic species coexist. Some cliffs are experiencing a real housing crisis, while moors and meadows are invaded by countless waders.

In the endless day of this early summer, an overflow of life invades the shores, the tundra and the meadows which are adorned with soft green while the mountains are still snow-capped. From America, Europe and Africa, large flocks converge on Iceland: swans, geese, harlequins, wheatears, snipes, all ready to enthusiastically begin the dress rehearsal of life. The courtship parades are going well and the birds, not very shy, do not yet show the reasonable mistrust that they will have during the incubation. The ocean, which breathes like a lung and stirs life, takes on a strong and subtle scent of freedom and the open sea. Our journey takes us to three different regions that will fully satisfy the bird watcher, as well as the wildlife photographer and/or the contemplative.

Our route takes us to four regions that represent different habitats and bird species.


Important: Before registering online for this trip, please contact Philippe Patay, the guide for this trip, personally. <philippe@fjallabak.is> +354 824307 or Matthildur <matta@fjallabak.is> +354 8243072


Price / Estimated
To change the indicative price in your prefered currency, choose it from the available list in the upper right-hand corner of this page.
Conversion rates are from the Icelandic National Bank
2 Jun 2025
11 Jun 2025
10 days
560000 ISK / 3843 EUR
Français 1