Philippe Patay

Philippe Patay Pétursson, “Filippus”, 72, arrived in Iceland at the age of 20. He and Sigriður have three children. They are the founders of Fjallabak. A keen walker, photographer, observer of nature and birds in particular, he has travelled and guided far from home, in the Sahara, Greenland, Scotland, the Faroe Islands, East Africa, Nepal… A few years ago, he discovered a natural penchant for Patagonia and Aubrac. A member of the Icelandic Guides Association for 45 years, he is also an enlightened amateur ornithologist and is an Icelandic encyclopedia in his own right. He was the first in the early 70s to offer the first trekking and ski raids in his adopted country. This outstanding storyteller also has a reasonable penchant for philosophical discussions and absurd puns. Today he is more or less retired and has passed the torch to Matta, his eldest daughter. Which does not prevent him from continuing to guide special groups. For any special request that would have to do with birds for example, a report, a Robinson retreat, contact him directly: Instagram: philippepatay